Wednesday, 29 February 2012

A Love Letter to Fog.

Let me tell you something...

I love bad weather.

Sure, I'd probably prefer to watch the rain beat down from inside my room, but there's something about being caught in a storm or getting an extreme "wind-swept and interesting" make over from some ice cold winds - it's almost as though we can run for shelter, run away from the unpleasantness of wet clothes and cold noses but every now and then nature will just throw something unexpected our way. It's like a little reminder that we can't control everything...and we shouldn't try to either.

Life is full of little surprises.

Fog is definitely my favourite little uncontrollable element of weather...there's just something so dramatic and inescapable about it that I can't help but fall in love with. It's this atmospheric blanket that falls over everything, muffling the sounds of the world and making it peaceful. It can make the most everyday scene become instantly romanticized and mysterious...

...or blot out the light so that your favourite sunlit forest walks become cold and uninviting. To be honest, I'd just as likely run into this kind of foggy landscape as any other. It really does something to my imagination, kicking it into overdrive and telling me that fog rolls in to hide the magical and mystical, even if it is a little scary. When I think of fog, I think of long skirts, bare feet and an inquisitive mind, running into the unknown as the fog smothers the path behind and ahead.

I have this irresistible urge to walk into a thick forest filled with roiling fog and keep going, as though if I walk far enough I'll come to the edge of the blanket of grey. I guess fog and woods are generally featured in horror films with skinny blondes scrambling through the undergrowth trying in vain to escape the fog-hidden murderer…but it makes me feel safe and like there’s something amazing to be seen before the sun burns the fog away.

I love the way fog retreats from open spaces as the sun gets higher, as though there's a door closing ever-so-slowly on a world only accessible on foggy mornings...

I think it would be amazing to get lost for a while and just wander, soaking in what could easily be things I've seen every day but that have now taken on a new life in the filtered, hazy light. That is probably my favourite thing about fog. It has this amazing, goose-bump-inducing ability to transform everything into something that just seems that little bit...wrong. Like taking a photo, then putting a filter over it; it's the same scene, but there's something so slightly different, something out of the ordinary and almost other-worldly about the trees or roads or even people that loom up suddenly as you walk along.

It's a big creative dream of mine to catch a dawn fog in my city long enough to get a photoshoot out of it. I'm in a sea-side city but our climate doesn't really gift me so much as a light mist...but I still keep hoping. It's happened before (Christmas Day, two years ago...yes, I remember!), but then again, it's so unpredictable. I guess I'll just have to be ready to snap photos at the slightest hint of swirling grey amongst the trees ;)

Do you like fog?


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  1. I do like fog...even, perhaps perversely, when I'm driving. There's just something about its occlusive properties that makes you feel like the only person in the world. In a nice way; not a lonely kind of aloneness,but a peaceful one.

    These pictures are lovely. It's almost like looking at stills from an adaptation of a book by one of the Bronte sisters.

    1. That's exactly how I feel. Like it's a great keeper of secrets that closes in and makes you feel completely alone, in a nice and peaceful way.

      I actually have a ton of fog photos saved and a few of them are from one of the TV adaptations of Wuthering Heights! I guess that's a property of fog too - it romanticizes things :)

