Monday, 1 August 2011

Little things...

 All photos in this post are courtesy of Ciara ^_^!

Last week I took my two little cousins to the Ulster Museum here in Belfast. I was ridiculously excited to do so, considering that Ciara is eight and Caitlin is five -- not exactly the age little children become super interested in anything old and musty ;P But they're just such great kids with such inquiring personalities that I decided to chance it and take them, armed to the teeth with little cameras and sweeties!

Admittedly, I'm probably (maybe!) slightly biased considering they are my family and I see them every week...nevertheless, I was so impressed by how completely interested and caught-up in everything they both were. Caitlin was fascinated by anything colourful and/or scary-looking and would stand staring at said things until she deemed it appropriate to move along. She loved the taxidermy animals and insects but had the most fun in the Gemstones exhibit (she likes shiny things!).

Caitlins favourite!
Ciaras favourite!
Ciara is a genuine know-it-all and she flew about every exhibit reading all the information plaques, asking questions when she didn't understand the words but otherwise keeping quiet so she could "appreciate the things" - as she put it! She loved her little camera and picked up the basics really quickly, half-pressing the button to focus before she took a photo and putting the flash on when there wasn't enough light. I had a really hard time picking the photos I loved the most to put into this post - they may not be technically correct or framed right, but looook how awesome some of them turned out!

Butterfly display

Ciara loved the old shoes...especially the cowboy boots!

Inside a cannon!

I know that some people aren't exactly fans of little children. I love kids and kind of always have, so days out like this, especially when the weather is brilliant, are probably as fun for me as they are for them.

Ciara even made it into the local newspaper with the touchable bubbles we bought from the museum! 

It's been a good week!

Clare x

1 comment:

  1. How lovely that your cousins loved the museum so much!
    My dad sells fossils and minerals and things like that so I practically grew up in a museum. As a little kid I was once at a museum, saw dinosaur eggs and said "well, we have bigger ones at home!" Wasn't easily impressed, haha;)

    Anyway, looks like you three had an amazing day! Do you often do things with your cousins? Next time it'll be the four you:)
